Showcase Your Imagination


22-24 March 2024 @ XRPGold Coast2024

In-Person & Remote Teams Welcomed

Prizepool: 300k XAH & 30k EVR

Criteria: Showcase the combined power of XRPL + Xahau + Evernode

3 Project Themes: Web3 Games | Interconnections | Middleman-be-gone

Essential Details

Part of XRPGold Coast 2024.

Dates: 22-24 March 2024

Location: Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast QLD Australia.

Cost: There is no entry fee for the Code-a-thon separate from any fee to attend the Conference.

For details visit:

In-Person and Remote Participation Welcomed:

Participate in workshops, and brainstorm ideas and resolve technical challenges with Evernode’s technical experts regardless of whether you participate in-person or online.

Theme #1: Web3 Games

Develop engaging Web3 Games that harness the combined power of Evernode, Xahau & XRPL.

  • Evernode dApps have more flexibility than traditional smart contracts. In particular, they can store data, perform computations and connect to external services and so perform like bespoke oracles. We think we can leverage this flexibility to deliver new Web3 gaming experiences using a “Client | Cluster | Chain” design philosophy.

  • Our new design philosophy is as follows:

    • Client: Simple, fun games that are engaging to play and run client-side on players’ devices.

    • Cluster: Players invite an Evernode cluster into their game to act as referee to police behaviour and confirm veracity of results/game state.

    • Chain: The Evernode cluster then publishes the results & game-minted NFTs to a Layer 1 chain (XRPL or Xahau) and these on-chain objects are used to bind the community, reward wins, and drive meta-tournaments.

    We think this design can deliver a superior gaming experience over-and-above the traditional “own your in-game Items as NFTs” approach.

    We also think this framework can be mapped to the concepts of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Game Play Loops. The Primary Game Play Loop happens on the player’s device. It’s what they do moment-to-moment. The Secondary Game Play Loop happens in the Evernode Cluster. And the Tertiary Game Play Loop happens on the Chain.

    We are excited to see what developers can be inspired to create using this framework.

  • Relevance and Innovation (25%) Does the game embody the theme? How innovative is it?

    Feasibility & Completeness (25%) Is the game feasible to implement? How fully has the idea been implemented?

    Design and Usability (25%) How good is the design, user experience, and ease of use of the solution? How quickly can it be put to use?

    Impact and Scalability (25%) Does the product/solution have the ability to make a difference? Is it scalable for global implementation or growth?

  • Up to ten awards of 10,000 XAH and 1,000 EVR for suitable projects.

    If there are less than 10 suitable projects the Promoter may increase the awards to the successful teams.

    If there are no suitable projects, the Promoter may not make any awards.

Theme #2: Interconnections

Showcase Evernode’s ability to connect the XRPL’s liquidity and security with Xahau’s flexibility and composability.

  • Evernode contracts can hold keys to accounts on the XRPL and Xahau. They can be a decentralised way to automate transactions on each chain.

  • The XRPL and Xahau are built from the same codebase. One benefit of this is “Imported Accounts” - you can have the same r-address with the same keys on XRPL and Xahau. We used this account import feature to manage our airdrop to XRP holders.

    If you then add Evernode’s ability to hold the keys to an r-address and its ability to connect to external services, you now have a way to use those keys to sign transactions on either Xahau or the XRPL.

    So, an Evernode cluster can hold keys to an r-address that is simultaneously on the XRPL and Xahau and be programmed to sign transactions from those accounts according to pre-determined rules.

    A Hook on Xahau could trigger a response from an Evernode cluster that causes it to initiate a transaction on the XRPL. Equally, a transaction on the XRPL could cause an Evernode cluster to initiate a transaction on Xahau that pokes a Hook, resulting in further Xahau transactions.

    We are excited to see what developers might create from such interconnections.

  • Relevance and Innovation (25%) Does the product/solution involve interconnections between Evernode, Xahau and the XRPL? How innovative is the solution?

    Feasibility & Completeness (25%) Is the project feasible to implement? How fully has the idea been implemented?

    Design and Usability (25%) How good is the design, user experience, and ease of use of the solution? How quickly can it be put to use?

    Impact and Scalability (25%) Does the product/solution have the ability to make a difference? Is it scalable for global implementation or growth?.

  • Winner: 50,000 XAH and 5,000 EVR

    Runner Ups: 2 prizes of 25,000 XAH and 2,500 EVR.

    Prizes may not be awarded if there are no suitable submissions.

Theme #3: Middleman-be-gone

Showcase Evernode’s ability to replace online middlemen with a self-organising community powered by decentralised software.

  • Today, we see powerful middlemen and gatekeepers everywhere. This is especially true in the online world.

    Useful applications have become indispensable and therefore increasingly used by regulators as gatekeepers and police.

    We think Evernode allows developers to build applications that free people from this over-reliance and lets them thrive without online middlemen or overlords.

    We call this “middleman-be-gone” and we think it is a powerful use-case for Evernode.

  • Evernode clusters are very flexible. They can be programmed in almost any language and can have almost the same behaviours as a normal App, but perform in a decentralised way.

    One use-case for this level of flexibility is to replace online applications with decentralised versions that anyone can join and use.

    So you can have dApp without in the middle taking 30%. You can have an Uber dApp without Uber in the middle taking 30%. You can have an AirBnB dApp without AirBnB in the middle.

    We’re excited to see what developers can create on Evernode inspired by this middleman-be-gone philosophy.

  • Relevance and Innovation (25%) Does the product/solution address the theme of middleman-be-gone? How innovative is the solution?

    Feasibility & Completeness (25%) Is the project feasible to implement? How fully has the idea been implemented?

    Design and Usability (25%) How good is the design, user experience, and ease of use of the solution? How quickly can it be put to use?

    Impact and Scalability (25%) Does the product/solution have the ability to make a difference? Is it scalable for global implementation or growth?

  • Winner: 50,000 XAH and 5,000 EVR

    Runner Ups: 2 prizes of 25,000 XAH and 2,500 EVR.

    Prizes may not be awarded if there are no suitable submissions.


Main Resources 

Additional Resources

JavaScript client library for Evernode and browser.

HotPocket smart contract library for NodeJS. 

Dev kit to create HotPocket docker containers on developer machine. 

HotPocket NodeJS Library for Nomadic, XRPL & Evernode contracts

HotPocket contract library for C language.

Example calculator to demonstrate usage of HotPocket features.

Kit for deploying Evernode smart contracts to Hosts

JavaScript client library to interact with HotPocket smart contracts. 

HotPocket JavaScript client library for React Native (for Mobile Apps)  

HotPocket c++ contract that can execute solidity contracts. 

Let us know you’re participating

Letting us know helps us plan resources and assistance for you on the day and to give you the free XAH and EVR you need to test your dApp.

If you develop a project you think is worthy of a prize, complete the separate Submission Form below before the cut-off.

How To Submit for a Prize

Whether you have previously registered for the Code-a-Thon or not, you can submit your Evernode project for a Prize.

Just submit your project here before the cutoff if you think it worthy of a prize.

You will be expected to deploy a working PoC of your dApp to the Evernode network. We will give you a small number of XAH and EVR to be able to fund that deployment.

Cut off: 12pm AEDT 24 March 2024.

Terms & Conditions

  1. By entering this promotion, you accept these Terms and Conditions.

  2. Instructions and information on how to enter this promotion form part of these Terms and Conditions.

  3. The promoter is Evernode Labs Pty Ltd (ACN 645 920 690) (“Promoter”).

    Eligible entrants

  4. To be eligible to enter this promotion, you must be over 18 years of age.

  5. Entrants must ensure that they are legally eligible to enter the event under any laws applicable to you in your jurisdiction of residence or otherwise.

  6. The Promoter retains the right, at its absolute discretion to decline to accept any entry which, in its reasonable opinion, does not comply with these Terms and Conditions, or end the promotion to any further registration applications prior to the registration closing date due to reaching competition capacity.

    How to enter

  7. You enter by submitting a project for judging via the form provided above before submissions close at 12.00 PM AEDT on 24th March 2024 (“Entry Period”). Entries received outside of the Entry Period will not be accepted.

  8. To be eligible for the prize, you must submit a video pitch addressing the Judging Criteria described below no longer than 3 minutes in length and in English.

  9. All entries remain the property of the submitting team.


  10. This promotion is a game of skill. Chance plays no part in determining the winners.

  11. Judges appointed in the Promoters absolute discretion will judge submitted projects in their absolute discretion according to the following equally weighted criteria:

    • Relevance and Innovation (25%) Does the product/solution address one of the set hackathon challenges? How innovative is the solution?

    • Feasibility & Completeness (25%) Is the project feasible to implement? How fully has the idea been implemented?

    • Design and Usability (25%) How good is the design, user experience, and ease of use of the solution? How quickly can it be put to use?

    • Impact and Scalability (25%) Does the product/solution have the ability to make a difference? Is it scalable for global implementation or growth?

  12. The Promoter’s decision in relation to any aspect of the promotion is final and the Promoter will not enter into any correspondence regarding the result of the promotion.

    Prize and notification of winners

  13. The winning teams will receive a prize as determined by the Promoter. This may vary from the intended prize in the Promoter’s absolute discretion.

  14. Prizes are not transferable and cannot be taken as cash (except for the cash aspect).

  15. The Promoter will announce the winning groups at the XRP Gold Coast closing dinner.

  16. Each winning team member must supply an r-address on the Xahau Ledger for the prize transfer. The total prize money for each winning place will be spilt equally amongst team members

  17. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any tax implications, transfer fees or the exchange rate applicable for prizes. Any implicated fees associated with money transfer (include exchange fees) will come from the prize money.

    Intellectual property

  18. You warrant, confirm, and promise that your entry is original and does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.

  19. You retain all intellectual property rights you create in your project.

  20. You warrant that you understand that there is no intellectual property in ideas, just the expression of those ideas. You acknowledge it is common for different teams to have the same or similar ideas for a project. By taking part in the promotion, you warrant that you will not make any claim against the Promoter or any other team based upon their pursuing a project with the same or similar idea as yours.

  21. The Promoter has an unrestricted, irrevocable, transferable, right and licence to use your entry for promotional purposes without the payment of any further fee or compensation or further reference to you, and that the Promoter can authorise other people to do any of these things.

  22. If requested by the Promoter, you agree to sign any further documentation required by the Promoter to give effect to this arrangement. To the extent permitted by law, you unconditionally and irrevocably consent to the Promoter modifying your entry as described in this clause, agree that the Promoter is not required to attribute you as author of the entry, and consent to any other act or omission that would otherwise infringe any moral rights in your entry.

    Withdrawal from promotion

  23. You may withdraw from the promotion at any time before notification of the winners by notifying the Promoter in writing via email or Slack. If you withdraw from the promotion, the Promoter will remove your entry and will not use your details or entry for media or promotional purposes. If you withdraw from the promotion, you will no longer be eligible to win a prize.


  24. Entries which, in the opinion of the Promoter, are incomplete, incorrect or incomprehensible, contain defamatory or offensive content or infringe intellectual property rights are not eligible to win and may be removed from the promotion and the relevant entrant will be disqualified.

  25. The Promoter may, in its absolute discretion, disqualify you if, in the opinion of the Promoter, you breach these Terms and Conditions, engage in dishonest or unethical conduct in relation to the promotion, manipulate, tamper or interfere with the conduct of the promotion, do not comply with the entry process, or conspire with others to gain an unfair advantage. The Promoter may audit you if it suspects you of having engaged in such breach or conduct.

  26. The Promoter may request information from you relevant to entry or participation in the promotion, such as proof of residency or age. The Promoter may, in its absolute discretion, disqualify you if you provide insufficient information, false information or fail to provide information.

  27. The Promoter is not responsible for any late, lost or misdirected entries.

  28. The Promoter is not responsible for any delays, problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer systems, computer equipment or software, technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to your or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from entering this promotion. If such problems arise, then the Promoter may modify, cancel, terminate or suspend the promotion.

  29. To the extent permitted by law, the Promoter is not liable for any loss, damage or injury whatsoever (including, but not limited to, indirect or consequential loss) resulting from this promotion, including the taking of prizes.

  30. If, for any reason, this promotion is not capable of running as planned, including war, terrorism, state of emergency or disaster, infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of the Promoter which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this promotion, the Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the promotion.

  31. All costs associated with entering the promotion are your responsibility.

  32. You understand and agree that the Promoter may collect personal information from you when you enter the promotion, and use it for the purpose of running the promotion (which may include disclosure to third parties for the purpose of processing and conducting the promotion), for promotional purposes surrounding this promotion, as well as other purposes, as set out in the Promoter’s Privacy Policy.

  33. For further information on how the Promoter deals with your personal information, please refer to the Promoter’s Privacy Policy.