
To realise our vision, we pursue five interconnected missions…


Mission #1: Continue to develop our cutting-edge cloud hosting software for deploying hyper-flexible, hyper-scalable dApps on the internet.

  • Composition

    The Evernode Protocol is comprised of two codebases:

    • HotPocket: A consensus-as-an-operating-system environment in which your code runs to enable dApps. We call them dApps but really they are bespoke chains (or “AppChains”) that behave as you want. It’s UNL, the files it reads and writes, it’s inputs and outputs etc. are all subject to consensus within your dApp’s UNL.

    • Sashimono: A standardised and decentralised way to deploy multiple HotPocket instances to a range of third party hosts. The Sashimono Daemon allows a host to provide secure hosting services to multiple dApp instances. Each instance is in a jail that keeps it separate from every other instance and from the host itself. So hosts can provide hosting services to multiple HotPocket dApps without needing to know anything about the dApp or its Devs.


    Together these two codebases provide a unique architecture that allows for ultra-flexible, ultra-powerful dApps.

    • Any Language: Because Evernode dApps are just normal Apps with a consensus engine Evernode dApps can be programmed in any POSIX-compliant language, including NodeJS, C++, and Rust.

    • Any Functionality: Evernode dApps can do in concert anything normal Apps can do solo, including read/write data, perform complex computations, and connect to external services.

    • Any Geography: Evernode dApps can be programmed to run only on servers from certain jurisdictions, giving you the flexibility comply with problematic laws like privacy/GDPR and trade embargoes.

    • Any Scale: Evernode dApps can be deployed to as many or as few nodes as you desire to meet competing needs on cost, security, performance, and censorship resistance.

  • At present the Evernode Protocol relies upon external users to determine the reliability of hosts within a cluster.

    By end of Q2 ‘24 we will add a Reputation Contract. This will be an optional contract Hosts can run on themselves to demonstrate the reliability and performance of the Host. It will provide a decentralised way for Hosts to self-police the quality of other Hosts within a network.

  • At present the Evernode Protocol is only compatible with Linux machines running Ubuntu 20.04.

    By Q3 ‘24 we will upgrade the protocol so it is compatible with the latest version of Ubuntu.

  • At present, while Evernode Protocol allows for dApps to have a wide range of behaviours, it does not support long-run processes nor GPUs, making it unsuitable for AI applications

    By end of Q4 ‘24 we plan to have a version of the Evernode Protocol that supports GPUs and long-running processes.

  • The Evernode Protocol is avaliable to the public as part of the licensing arrangements underpinning the Evernode Network.

    However, we can negotiate tailored arrangements for Enterprises that want to use a private and/or bespoke version of the Evernode Protocol for commercial use.


Mission #2: Champion the Evernode Network, a new “Layer 2” smart contract network for creating ultra-flexible, ultra-powerful bespoke blockchains (“AppChains”).

  • The Evernode Network is a public, permissionless, global network of Hosts running the Evernode Protocol.

    It is co-ordinated via a Hook (form of smart contract) and new digital currency ($EVR) on the Xahau Network.

    The network launched on 15 January 2024 and has over 6,000 registered Hosts.

  • We will champion the Evernode Network by being an active and constructive member of the Evernode community.

  • We will champion the Evernode Network by announcing and paying out bounties in EVR and XAH to projects that make a meaningful and positive impact on the Evernode Network

    We have already paid out substantial bounties for Community Dashboards, Community Discord, and a Hook (form of smart contract) that lets Hosts auto-redirect their EVR rewards to their primary wallet.

  • We will champion the Evernode Network by regularly conducting Code-a-Thons that award prizes in XAH and EVR to new dApps that showcase the combined power of Evernode and the broader XRP Ledger/Xahau Network ecosystem.

    Our first such Code-a-Thon will be on the Gold Coast (Australia) with a prize pool of 300,000 XAH and 30,000 EVR for projects in three themes:

    • Theme #1 - Web3 Games: Game projects consistent with the “Client | Cluster | Chain” design of the EL Interactive mission.

    • Theme #2 - Interconnections: Projects that showcase Evernode’s ability to bridge the XRP Ledger and Xahau Networks by controlling the keys of cloned accounts (same r-address and same keys) on each network.

    • Theme #3 - Middleman-be-gone: Projects that showcase Evernode’s ability to have a dApp that removes powerful middlemen like Booking.com, AirBnB, or Uber.


Mission #3: Develop & publish a suite of engaging Web3 games to showcase the power of the XRP Ledger, the Xahau Network, & the Evernode Network.

  • Many people believe smart contracts and NFTs offer new and exciting experiences for gamers.

    We think the flexibility of Evernode dApps - especially their ability to act as a bespoke witnesses and oracles - make them uniquely suited to gaming in a new way.

    We call this design philosophy “Client | Cluster | Chain” and we intend to explore its possibilities via the EL Interactive mission.

  • Our new design philosophy is as follows:

    • Client: Simple, fun games that are engaging to play and run client-side on players’ devices.

    • Cluster: players invite an Evernode cluster into their game to act as referee to police behaviour and confirm veracity of results/game state.

    • Chain: The Evernode cluster then publishes the results & game-minted NFTs to a Layer 1 chain (XRPL or Xahau) and these on-chain objects are used to bind community, reward wins, and drive meta-tournaments.

    We think this design can deliver a superior gaming experience over-and-above the traditional “own your in-game Items as NFTs” approach.

  • We will launch a new “steam-like” game site dedicated to Web3 games that embody the “Client | Cluster | Chain” design ethic. While we plan to develop our own games, publication on the site will be open to suitable games from any developer or publisher. We want as many developers as possible to come an explore Evernode’s Web3 gaming potential.

  • We plan to launch the EL Interactive concept at our upcoming Code-a-Thon will be on 22-24 March at the Gold Coast (Australia) with a prize pool of 100,000 XAH and 10,000 EVR for up to 10 Web3 Game projects that projects that embody the “Client | Cluster | Chain” design of the EL Interactive mission.


Mission #4: Develop & launch in-house projects in the Evernode, Xahau, & XRPL ecosystems in joint-venture with external experts and equity partners.

  • We launched the Evernode Network because we wanted a decentralised network on which to build our dApps.

    We will develop and launch a range of dApps on Evernode, beginning with enterprise versions of some of the PoCs we’ve already developed.

    We can’t do his alone. These significant projects will be developed in joint-venture with third-party subject matter experts and venture capital funding.

  • We have prototyped a self-sovereign identity solution where the verified identity documents are encrypted and stored on-chain and shared via single-use keys.

    It is an “on-chain”, GDPR-compliant, Self-KYC solution powered by HotPocket. It tokenises the fact an Xahau or XRP Ledger Account is controlled by a verified identity, turning the verification into a reusable asset.

    Any participating business can then perform KYC activities on their customer’s XRPL/Xahau accounts. All personal information and documents are securely stored through end-to-end encryption. Users always retain full control over the encryption keys to ensure the security and ownership of their personal documents.

    Status: Prototype done. Seeking funding and partners for commercialisation.

  • Australia has well-developed quality control regulations and biosecurity protections for its cattle industry, including RFID ear tags to track individual cows that can be leveraged for tokenisation.

    We have prototyped an Evernode dApp that tokenises cow herds and provides a compliant 24/7/365 market for trading fractional interests in the cattle. The system is capable of being compatible with consumer, biosecurity, and regulatory attestations.

    Status: Prototype done. Seeking partners and venture capital for commercialisation.

  • We have begun leveraging that flexibility of Evernode dApps for a new NFT trading game called “Horses”.

    Horses is an NFT trading game using the Xahau Network, Hooks, NFTs and Evernode dApps. It involves minting and trading NFTs representing Horses in a fantasy horse racing milieu, then racing those NFTs to compete for prestige and prize money.

    Horses will be developed in stages, beginning with a Horse NFT minting and trading game. Future modules will allow players to race their NFTs for pretend in game currency. The fina stage willl allow for licensed betting markets based upon the racing games.

    Status: In Development


Mission #5: Fuse legal & technical expertise to provide cutting-edge blockchain consulting & policy advice to projects, enterprises, government & regulators.

  • Evernode was developed by a senior lawyer and an experienced software engineer working side-by-side to explore use-cases for smart contracts that were both legally sound and technically viable.

    This kind of “hand-in-glove” working relationship between the law and the tech is exactly what the blockchain space demands.

    With EL Advisory, our leadership team is available to bring this fused expertise to your dApp project, enterprise solution, or digital asset policy conundrum.

  • Our leadership team can lend its expertise to your project and help solve the complex mix of legal and technical problems that arise when designing a new blockchain or smart contract project.

  • If your enterprise is thinking about dApps, we’re almost certain that the Evernode tech stack will give you all the tools you need.

    Our leadership team can lend its expertise to help establish the feasibility & design of the Evernode tech-stack for your enterprise use-case.

  • Our leadership team is available to provide that exact mix of legal, policy, and technical expertise that regulators and policy advisers need when considering legal, policy & regulatory settings for the blockchain and DLT space.